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Showing posts from August, 2012

August Goals Wrap-up

I really have no excuse for my lack of posting...I mean I'm a busy person but I miss doing this all the time so much...I vow to be better! Here's the re-cap of this month's goals: 1. Go to the gym (I will do this someday!) -Funny story...I went to the gym, stripped in the locker room, only to discover I didn't have shorts with me...FAIL   2. Read (or at least start depending on how bad it is)  50 Shades of Grey.   Completed!  It  really is more of a romance novel that the BDSM-ness that I expected.  But I read all 3...and now I'm halfway through Pride and Prejudice!  3. Get my professional manicure -CHECK!  I cashed in my groupon and got it last week (and my nails are already so chipped they need wonder its addicting!) 4. Reach my 500 Twitter followers goal (I'm so close!) -I'm still 50 away!  Why is this so hard!? 5. Rearrange the spare bedroom- I started this but its not really completed.  I moved the bed and dresser...but I didn


I love having a garden plot. I think its one of the best things I've done since moving back to Columbus. However, it does have its drawbacks. This is what the extent of my zucchini gardening was before my garden plot:  I still had the benefit of growing delicious zucchini, it was right on my front step where I could check it everyday and the supply was limited by the plant size, which was in turn limited by the pot size (this pot was rather large but still did not provide unlimited zucchini).   Now lets turn to my current garden plot.  Since my zucchini started ripening a few weeks ago I have harvested 4 zucchini with another that's ready to be picked all at least a foot long!  I'm up to my eyeballs in zucchini!  I've been trying to pick them when they're smaller but they grow so fast that they're huge by the time I realize they're there!  (Due to my work schedule I haven't been making it to my plot everyday).   So what do you do

101 in 1001-18 months complete

Jessica's 101 in 1001 Start: January 1st, 2011 End: September 28th, 2013 Personal 1. Keep a written journal (regularly) 2. Blog at least once a week for a month (hopefully forever) Completed my Wordcount Blog-a-thon challenge! 3. Write personal (and professional) goals for each month and work to achieve them (19/33) I kind of skipped out on this in November & December 2011-but I feel like getting a new job, moving and getting permanently hired on count enough! 4. Change my bathroom inspiration quotes once a week (for at least a month)   5. Write something positive about my day every night for at least two weeks 6. Make a meal out of all local ingredients 7. Spend an hour of "me-time" a week that does not involve TV 8. Take a self defense class 9. Go to a Bible study (must try for at least a month) 10. Watch a sunrise  11. Watch a sunset 12. Sell a piece of art I've created 13. Buy something for myself worth more than $100 without feeling guilty about it The dres

August Goals

1. Go to the gym (I will do this someday!) 2. Read (or at least start depending on how bad it is)  50 Shades of Grey.   I picked it up from the library today! 3. Get my professional manicure 4. Reach my 500 Twitter followers goal (I'm so close!) 5. Rearrange the spare bedroom  As you can see I'm really trying to focus on my 101 in 1001 .  I feel like I've neglected it.  So I'm trying to get a move on!  I have just over a year left!