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Showing posts from January, 2013

101 in 1001 New Year's Update

Instead of New Year's Resolutions I really want to work on my 101 in 1001 since I only have 9 months left to go!  So here's an update!   Jessica's 101 in 1001 Start: January 1st, 2011 End: September 28th, 2013 Personal 1. Keep a written journal (regularly) 2. Blog at least once a week for a month (hopefully forever) Completed my Wordcount Blog-a-thon challenge! 3. Write personal (and professional) goals for each month and work to achieve them (22/33) I kind of skipped out on this in November & December 2011-but I feel like getting a new job, moving and getting permanently hired on count enough! 4. Change my bathroom inspiration quotes once a week (for at least a month)   5. Write something positive about my day every night for at least two weeks 6. Make a meal out of all local ingredients 7. Spend an hour of "me-time" a week that does not involve TV 8. Take a self defense class 9. Go to a Bible study (must try for at least a month) 10. Watch a sunrise  11.