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Showing posts from February, 2010

You Are Beautiful

This week has been National Eating Disorder Awareness Week.  While reading about it I found out about this great project called Operation Beautiful.   Operation Beautiful is the most simple yet moving project I've seen in quite awhile.  Basically the entire Operation Beautiful is to leave anonymous notes in public places that say encouraging things like "You Are Beautiful" or "We're Beautiful" just to let another woman know that she IS beautiful, she is valued, and you will make her day.  And while this seems so simple that it doesn't need a Web site, it really does.  If you think about it, how many times do you tell someone that you think they're beautiful?  If you're like me, not very often.  And as a young woman in her twenties its something I NEVER hear and its probably something that every woman should hear much more than we do. Why is it that our society has become so far removed from real beauty?  The women that you live with, work with,