My Husked Tomato plant |
I first became acquainted with Husked Tomatoes last year at Wilmington's Tomadah Paradah event. The plants are more low growing and shrub-like than your ordinary tomato and the fruits are surrounded by husks such as those you would find on a tomatillo.
According to Trade Wind Fruits they are,
"Small orange fruit similar in size and shape to a cherry tomato. The fruit is covered in papery husk. Flavor is a pleasant, unique tomato /pineapple like blend. The ground cherry is very similar to the cape gooseberry, both having similar, but unique flavors."
I would definitely agree that they have a unique flavor I wouldn't have said pineapple but reading it that's not a completely inaccurate description.
The fruit |
What do you think? Has anyone else been growing any unusual varieties of tomatoes this year?